3 sene once Amerika'ya gittigimde, bir alisveris merkezinde stand acmis bir adam beni cagirip bir sey gostermek istedi. Ne oldugunu anlayana kadar parmagimi alip tirnagima damgaya benzer bir sey basti. Kaldirdiginda tirnagima beyaz bir french cizgisi yerlesmisti. Degil evde french yapmak, duzgun bir sekilde oje surmekten aciz bir insan oldugumdan soka girmistim. Hizla basparmagima da kucuk bir cicek deseni kondurdu ve takimin fiyatinin 20 dolar oldugunu soyledi. Gunun o anina kadar tatil butcemin onemli bir kismini alisveris merkezinde biraktigimdan ve pazarlikci Turk genlerimden "10 dolara birakirsan alirim haci" dedim ve ilerledim.Arkamdan "Tamam sana 10 olsun" demesini veya en azindan sessiz kalmasini beklerken "Ne demek 10 dolar! Bidi bidi bidi" manasinda birseyleri deli gibi begirmaya basladi ve uzun sure devam etti.Kissadan hisse: Amerika'da standcilarla pazarlik yapmayin.
Bu gereksiz aniyi anlatmamin asil amaci:İnternette gecen vaktimin cogunu bloglara ayirmaya basladigim bir donemde bu olayi hatirladim ve adamin sattigi seyin hala satilip satilmadigini merak ettim.Birkac tik sonra (durust olmak gerekirse birkac saat) bu sistemin adinin Konad oldugunu, Konadicure ve oje temali bloglarin,tutorial videolarinin internette almis basini gitmis oldugunu gordum. Bu blogda da kendi capimda oje yorumlari ve Konadicureler paylasmaya calisacagim, ama konuyu dagitip bambaska yerlere de gidebilirim simdiden soyleyeyim. Zaten bu yuzden blogumun adi Nail Polish etc.
Hadi hayirli olsun.
İn English:
Three years ago, on a trip to United States, a salesman on a cosmetics corner called me telling he had something to show. İn a second he took my index finger and stamped a tiny french tip on it. As a person having difficulties with even putting nail polish on properly, i was shocked. He stamped a small flower on my thumb nail and told that the price of the kit is 20 dollars.Since i've already spent most of my holiday money, İ told him i won't give more than 10 dollars and walked away, expecting he will say, "Ok, deal." or remain silent at least. İnstead, the turned mad and started yelling like"10 dollars? Are you insane? Bla bla..." Long story short: Don't try to bargain on corner shops in the States.
The reason İ told this awkward story is: Lately, as i spent more and more time reading blogs, i remembered that stamping kit and wondered if it is still sold somewhere. A couple of clicks (and honestly, a few hours) later, i learned that is is called Konad and there were a variety of blogs, video tutorials about it out there. İn this blog i will share Konadicures İ do, and maby write about irrelevant stuff as well. That's why i called my blog Nail Polish etc.
Hello world.
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